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Columbarium Products and Services for Churches

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Infinity Memorial Systems™ niches and urns are designed to meet the changing needs of columbarium ministries as churches grow and their missions evolve. In addition to flexible and elegant products, IMS Representatives provide guideance and valuable tools for planning and managing columbarium operations and expansion so that church needs, goals and financial objectives are realized every step of the way. Click here to locate an IMS consultant near your church.

A church columbarium is more than just a building project. Providing a final resting place and memorialization for church members involves planning and management of a comprehensive ministry that enhances the spiritual life of an entire congregation. Infinity Memorial Systems™ has designed cremation niche products and support services that can help make your columbarium successful now and in the future.

Whether your church needs assistance with financial issues, operations management, limited space, planning for expansion, or member services, your IMS consultant is trained and experienced at making your columbarium ministry a success.

Contact us to have your local IMS consultant provide you with a free, no-obligation analysis that will help you determine how a columbarium ministry can be implimented at your church - perhaps even sooner than you might have thought possible!
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