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CDS employ a team of qualified field surveyors, CAD designers and engineers and in combination with our retained architects are able to offer an almost unrivalled service specialising in cemetery design and construction.

The Service

Stage 1 - Feasibility and Client Brief

The feasibility is centred on the outcome of the extended environmental audits as a there is little point in progressing with the development of a cemetery unless the EA has given its approval for planning.

The feasibility will identify any issues likely to alter the anticipated budget or increase estimated cost of development.

The feasibility will include a detailed client brief covering:

* Preliminary designs of hard and soft landscaping and layout options
* Demographics of the local community
* Utility infrastructure searches
* Drainage infrastructure investigations
* Memorialisation and grave layout
* Estimated costs
* Schedules and timescales

Stage 2 - Design

With the data collected in the feasibility a design programme can commence. Within the design CDS ensure that:

* The cemetery is constructed to ensure minimal environmental impact and where possible enhance the environment - see example design.
* That the cemetery can be managed on a day-to-day basis with the minimal cost but providing the highest quality to the bereaved and visitors.

Our design approach is as follows:

* Analyse requirements, survey site and adjacent area as necessary, prepare, describe and illustrate outline proposals and submit these to all interested parties for approval.
* Prepare budget estimate and monitor cost implications during design stage.
* Liase with Design Team to determine most cost effective design and proposals.
* Prepare a scheme design consisting of drawings and outline specification showing materials and appearance, submit to Local Authority for informal comment.
* Apply for final planning permission, conduct negotiations with Planning Department, carry out any minor amendments.
* Liase with all parties as necessary.
* Complete a detailed design, incorporating any necessary structural engineering details.
* Prepare working drawings and construction notes for materials and workmanship required.
* Apply for Building Regulation approval if required.
* Advise on tendering procedures and contract arrangements.
* Advise on warranties and insurances related to building works.
* Instruct Structural Engineer if required by Local Authority.
* Attend project team meetings.
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