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Santanoni Glass & Ceramics

200 North Main Street
14802 New York

phone: 001 (607) 587-9507
fax: 001 (607) 587-9339
Santanoni Glass & Ceramics
Glass and Ceramic Design, Research, and Development

Santanoni is a small, diverse company headquartered in Alfred, New York, the world's center of ceramic and glass education.

The founder, Dr. William LaCourse, is an internationally known glass scientist and a member of the faculty in the School of Ceramic Engineering and Materials Science at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. He has published more than 100 papers on the subjects of glass and ceramics and has several patents covering everything from asbestos replacements for brake drums to microwave strengthening of glass to glass fibers for use in orthopedic surgery. He is also co-author of a forthcoming book "Glass Science for the Glass Artist."

Our artistic designers include Wallace and Norma Higgins and John Lang. Wallace and Norma are known around the world for their ceramic designs. The pair avidly travels the world helping underdeveloped countries with ceramic production problems. In addition, Wallace has been producing cremation urns for several years. Our third designer, John Lang, has his BFA from the New York State College of Ceramics, in Art and Design. He is involved in sculpture, design, and product development. Most current Santanoni products originated from the creative minds of these fine artists.

Santanoni recently partnered with the New York State College of Ceramics and the Center for Advanced Ceramic Technology (CACT), both at Alfred University. Recently, Santanoni signed an agreement with Alfred University, ensuring future access to the school's electron microscopy, optical microscopy, x-ray, and other facilities, helping to ensure the highest quality products.
Products and services of our company:
funeral services, coffins, urns, hearse, creamation oprogramowanie dla firm oprogramowanie dla biznesu