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Hepburn Industries

314 W. Katella Ave
92867 Orange, CA

phone: 001-800-626-0584
fax: 001-888-437-2876
Our Company Philosophy

The goal of Hepburn Superior is to have customers who can confidently recommend us to others. We've learned it's just good business sense making people happy.

For this reason, Hepburn Superior calls every customer to thank them for their business as well as to make sure they are completely satisfied. We stand behind our quality products and pride ourselves in customer service.

A recent national survey found that 49 out of every 50 customers who were dissatisfied with products or services never contacted the company they had done business with to complain. Most of them felt it wouldn't be worth the trouble. At Hepburn Superior, we want to hear from you. We care about you and your business.

The History of Our Company

In late 1996, three established supply companies - Hepburn Industries in California, U.S. Chemical out of Miami FL and Superior International based in Cleveland OH - joined together to form what is today one of the largest and fastest growing death care supply firms. The unifying principle behind the merger of these three companies was the greater satisfaction their combined resources could bring to the customer... something we still believe in very strongly today. Now, almost two years later, Hepburn Superior has risen to be one of the top supply companies in the industry. We believe that it was our hard work and dedication that got us where we are today, and as we look into the future, we search for new ways to be a better supplier to our customers. We are ever changing ourselves to find that perfect method of service to you.
Hepburn Superior... forging the way for the future of deathcare.
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