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Laurel Latto, Artist

All of the artwork and photography on DonnaBellas was created by Laurel. She was said to be drawing before she could walk. Laurel has also had an interest in science, which led her to obtain a B.S. in Biochemistry & Cell Biology from U.C., San Diego and a Visual Arts Minor. Throughout her art career, Laurel has worked on a variety of projects from media production to commissioned art. Previously, she volunteered her time to a children’s dental health foundation to help create an arts and crafts manual for educators. For her efforts, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors recognized her as volunteer of the month for February 2003. Laurel's current project is to provide inspirational medical art to oncology clinics. More information is available at Angels4Oncology. A more complete portfolio is available at
Products and services of our company:
funeral services, coffins, urns, hearse, creamation oprogramowanie dla firm oprogramowanie dla biznesu