Chapel - Mortuary Transport Service
NG8 2TP Nottinghamshire
phone: +44(0)1158548257
fax: +447884177462 24hrs
We provide a full range of transportation services to the funeral profession.
In the United Kingdom , we provide dedicated transportation of the deceased throughout the United Kingdom, catering for standard first call, hospital transfer nationwide, repatriation land transportation to and from airports and sea ports nationwide.
We are the UK`s only dedicated Fatality Retrieval Service for Nottingham & Derbyshire. We can be called on at a moments notice to provide the removal of remains from fatal road and rail accidents.
We can be called upon to recieve repatriated remains from any country in the world transporting them by land to the designated funeral parlour/home.
Please visit : for full details of our services.
Please visit : for our specialist fatality retrieval support service website.
Telephone +44(0) 115 8548257
Mobile +447884177462 24 hrs
Email :
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