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B.J. Brady Funeral Directors

4 Bell Lane
4865 Gordonvale Qld

phone: 0061 ( 07 ) 4056 1627
fax: 0061 0417 397 358
Exceptional Service, Integrity, and Understanding the needs of our local community, in their time of grief .....

Taking care of all your funeral needsB.J. Brady Funeral Directors, a well respected and trusted local Funeral Home, was established in 1981. Since then, we have been providing the people of North Queensland with a sympathetic, practical and economical option, at a very difficult time.

Today, our reputation enables us, to continue that fine tradition of personal, dignified service and understanding.

At B.J. Brady Funeral Directors, we are committed to total, meaningful, affordable funeral care, and complete customer satisfaction. Every request is important to us. It is our pledge to assist and support families, in the only way we know, with total honesty and dedication.

Chris and Kaylene Heritage and Sons, a local North Queensland Family, acquired B.J. Brady Funeral Directors in 2004.

Our new modern, purpose built Funeral Home and premises, enables us to offer that level of care and support that is vitally important, to you and your loved ones.

This website has been produced to offer guidance and support to individuals and families who have been recently bereaved. We hope it brings comfort and assistance during your time of need.

Chris, Kaylene & Brett HeritagePlease feel at ease to contact us at any time, about any aspect of Funeral Pre Needs, or Funeral Planning. You are most welcome to visit our Funeral Home, on the corner of Sheppard St & Bell Lane, Gordonvale.

Yours in serving People

Chris & Kaylene Heritage.
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